Sunday, February 12, 2006

Gaia's Garden Produce FAIL

I just left my farmer, Ador, at the Organic Market to sneak a few hours more of sleep but now that I'm home I'm wide awake. So here I am blogging away.

I'm selling mostly herbs this time as my tomatoes, eggplant and peppers were a failure. I fired my consultant, or rather I will as soon as he finishes fixing my water pump, which should have been done weeks ago, hence the crop failure. I took all my seeds back. What was left of it. Apparently, half the seeds I had with him he seeded and was also a failure. Then he tells me he is making my farm his priority. What is he talking about?? NOW its a priority?? Good riddance.

We seem to be doing much better without him. I had the rest of my seeds planted and most are sprouting healthily. So for the meantime I have a whole bunch of herbs to offer at the Market.

purple basil
Italian parsley
curly parsley
Shinjuku chrysanthemum leaves
cherry tomatoes

These greens look gorgeous! If I do say so myself...

1 comment:

Macky said...

Hi Jet,
My first comment from someone not related to me! Your right, sometimes I don't know what these people are thinking. But since I've started I've had enough to time to research and make contacts that have been very valuable to me in creating a sustainable and organic garden. I, too, am doing this in a small scale to start with. Keep up the good work and keep on reading - you might get some good ideas in organic farming from my blog.